I won't spend ages configuring a site before I view it; I want security to be usable.
Name: Emil
Age: 28
Location: Santa Fe, USA
Occupation: Marketing analyst
Life Goals
Connecting with other dog owners
Work Goals
Develop new product at a media company.
Why they use (or don't use) the product
Won't use if pages break too frequently, and there is no obvious way to fix it.
What they want the product to do
Decide which scripts are safe and block them automatically.
Macbook, Signal, Firefox
Neighbourhood coop
Hobbies + Family
Mechanical keyboards
Current relationship to product
Thinks everyone needs it, and will advocate for it — even though he may not be using it himself.
Usage pattern: use NoScript along with other browser extensions for the default browser, and has a "trash browser" to test sites that break with this setting.