<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3fa0efa4-0e14-489f-a804-5b8d65b9d235/Round-8.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3fa0efa4-0e14-489f-a804-5b8d65b9d235/Round-8.png" width="40px" /> Superbloom offers design, strategy, and community coaching for teams working on projects in: public interest, open-source, civic tech, and/or nonprofit project teams.
Drawing on over ten years of organizational experience and a curated panel of international experts, we create targeted, customized sessions that help each project realize its potential for impact.
Who is Superbloom?
What is coaching?

- Targeted problem-solving sessions focused on your design needs.

- Get you and your team up to speed on methods and techniques.

- Accompany you through a transition or to meet an upcoming goal.
Our offerings
Coaching Accompaniment Offerings for Funders
Coaching for Project Teams
Join Us As A Coach
Our approach
- We are practitioners, just like you. We help you get it done. We aren’t afraid to jump in and pick up tools, when that’s what you need.
- Anybody trying to change the world is strapped for time and resources. We want to make the biggest difference in your work with the smallest interventions. We triage, prioritize, and focus.
- You’re here because you need an alternative to extractive, growth-oriented design. So are we! The values of Superbloom show in every aspect of our work:
- how we engage with communities and user groups
- how we treat consent and data collection
- how we create and share our knowledge
- how we set goals and conceptualize a product space
- We are flexible in the tooling and modality of our meetings based on your technological needs and your threat profile.
- If it has to do with how your project interacts with people, we’re on it. Fundraising strategy? Product management? New name? New brand? Our coaching team has deep professional experience in many different verticals related to design, strategy, and sustainability.
Coaching topics
We are confident we have a coach who has the experience and depth of knowledge you need. If we don’t – we’ll find one!